First Aid Locations at Disney World Parks

Have you ever had to use the First Aid Center or even knew it was there?

Hopefully, the answer is no and then yes!

Thankfully Disney does have these little facilities within each theme park!
They have an RN staffed that can triage guests for possible assistance.

Majority of what they can assist with, basic over the counter supplies found at local drug store and recommendations on what is needed.
Bug bites, scratches, etc they can assist with.
They can even assist with contact lens solution if you are having an issues.

What they can't help with: anything further such as stitches, need for an XR, prescription needs.
They can however organize round trip service to & from a facility that is better apt to treat more serious medical needs.

Anyone needing assistance does have to sign in (paper).

I had to go in because before I left for one of my trips, I developed a poison ivy reaction. I kept hoping it would get better but it got worse. It became so bad that while on way to Magic Kingdom from resort, I noticed it was oozing.. NOT GOOD...
We immediately headed to the First Aid center once inside the park. She provided a calamine ointment and large bandage to cover effected area. She gave me several more ointment packets and bandages to cover me the remainder of my stay. This was extremely helpful and cost zero dollars!
Disney didn't have to provide that but they did and I was extremely grateful!!

Several other guests unfortunately came to visit the same location as me while I was there.
A older gentleman took a bad step and skinned his knee/leg pretty good. I could tell, he would be taken care of by some wound cleaning, ointment and bandages.

Another lady came in via wheelchair. She didn't enter the park with it. During the morning entrance another guest, using an ECV with their child sitting in lap and steering, hit the effected guest running over her foot. ECVs are not lightweight machines. This severely hurt said guest.  The RN started the process of arranging the transportation for guest to an urgent care facility. I felt really bad for her and her family. This was the start of their day and now it was partly ruined from an inconsiderate guest. I can understand accident, but if letting a child steer --that to me is setting yourself up for an accident to happen. REMINDER: Don't be that person!

Luckily, my case was taken care of in less than 30 minutes. The RN on staff was actually not the friendliest but she handled what I needed and provided the extra supplies so I am fine with that.
The mornings may also be the busiest or the evenings. I am thinking that is the most people shoving times where accidents are more likely to happen.
If you do develop a problem, make sure to remember the first aid center is available.
I saw a woman once with a horrible blister on her heel. I am sure she would have been better off visiting the center to prevent a bigger mess and provide some relief!

If you feel you need assistance just getting to the First Aid Location, don't hesitate to ask a cast member. Your needs come first in the line of a problem!!!

Where to find the locations!
  • Magic Kingdom: at the end of Main street to the left, just before Crystal Palace
  • Epcot: Located inside to the left. Right past 'The EPCOT ball', go to the Odyssey Center
  • Disney’s Hollywood Studios:  near the entrance, directly to the left
  • Disney’s Animal Kingdom: stay left after entering main park by Discovery Center. It is near the bridge to Africa


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