Caring for Giants, Animal Kingdom Tour

Always recommend a tour available Through Disney's tour options!

We did the caring for giants’ Tour available at Animal Kingdom. 
I greatly enjoyed it. 
Cost is $30.00 per person and passholders receive a discount. This does not include the required admission entrance to the park. 
Times are throughout the day with last one held at 4pm. 
The tour lasts about an hour. 
You check in near the entrance to Kilimanjaro Safari in a booth marked Animal Experiences. For our tour, it was only us. Two other people were supposed to be with us but they never checked in. I didn’t complain!! 
We were led backstage into a private shuttle that took us to the elephant area. The driver gave us fun facts over all of the park & animals during the drive. 
My thoughts on it. 
I think for someone to fully enjoy it , you would really need to love elephants and learning information pertaining to them. There is no set script but more about basic facts with Q&A session. The tour guides are the actual keepers/cast members that observe and care for the elephants. Our guide was great. They Provided really interesting information and fun stories about what they have been able to observe. We did ask many questions so I feel we had a more in-depth experience. The view of the elephants was great. We were able to really observe them so much more than just the safari ride which is more like just a quick glimpse from a distance. 
The guides also provided other info regarding the park/animals as well. 
It was worth the experience for my family.

Don't forget, all profit from tours goes directly to Disney's Wildlife Fund! 
They put back into the environment and helping our earth/animals!

More info needed?
Email me at
Check some of our experience here Elephant clip

One of our guides. This firehose was used as Collar in an experiment done with rafiki. It was to help watch/monitor behavior she had with bees so it could help farmers in Africa.


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